Got Pain? Get A Glass Floor Mat For Back Pain And Knee Pain Relief

If you sit at a desk each day and have back or knee pain, a glass chair mat might be just the anti-fatigue mat the doctor ordered! Read on to learn more about what one Clearly Innovative client thinks...she just happens to be a physical therapist and certified athletic trainer, so she knows her stuff!
“Your glass mats provide an excellent, durable surface without the risk of developing grooves or dents over time that would actually hinder chair movement and increase the strain on the knees, hips, and back,” says Lissa Trevino, President of Ocean Physical Therapy, Inc. in California.
According to many in physical therapy, chiropractic and other related fields, a sturdy glass floor mat provides much more support for your body than flexible vinyl, plastic or other anti-fatigue mats.
This reduces the strain on your muscles, joints and bones that can lead to poor posture and pain. A glass chair mat can also improve blood flow, as it encourages a more natural seated position and reduces back and knee pressure that often restricts circulation in traditional seating setups.
Business professionals who purchase our glass floor mats for their staff report higher productivity and healthier, happier employees — all factors in a better bottom line for a company. Not to mention that the glass chair mats look so much better than traditional vinyl mats, and you don’t have to worry about replacing them since we offer a lifetime warranty!
Just look at some of the reviews from our customers who can’t help but rave about our incredible Glass Chair Mats!
- “I had knee surgery last year and I had to stand up and lift my chair out of the caster grooves,” says Valerie P., another client who works as a court recorder. “It was just too hard on my knee to try to push out. My glass chair mat is a Godsend!”
- “Because it is also solid and heavy, it supports my study chair at a constant level, and that allows my chair to lessen my back aches,” adds retired minister Bob Shuler.
- Stacia Swartz, a corporate recruiting, staffing and placement specialist, “Far less fatigue factor with our new glass chair mat. It takes zero effort to roll.”

Clearly Innovative Lifetime Glass Chair Mats
Our glass chair mats are more than just the “mat”; they may be the best floor mat for back and other body pains. We’re incredibly proud of our products and we guarantee your satisfaction with our limited lifetime warranty.
Maybe you haven’t thought twice about the mat under your chair, but next time you have to push, pull, and shimmy around to move in your desk chair, just think about how beneficial it would be to glide around as if you were on ice! With our patented beveled edges, you’ll also be able to roll off your mat when need be and not have to worry about standing and picking your chair back upon the mat!
To find out how a glass chair mat can improve your posture, productivity and health, browse our website to find out which glass chair mat would better suit your taste and office decor! And don’t worry, we provide free shipping to help you further save the money that would have been spent replacing your current, worn-out vinyl mat.
See our available sizes on the website and order today, or reach out with any questions!